Listen Up! Vice


Listen Up! Vice

Posted on: Jan 09, 2015

A lot of professional, up-all-night deejays consider walking to the mini-mart for Red Bull “exercise.” But just days prior to talking with us on the phone from his home in Los Angeles, jet-setting Vice (Eric Aguirre) was in Tanzania climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. So…yeah. To put it lightly, let’s say this big-room deejay, producer and entrepreneur is up for a challenge and dedicated to staying healthy.

An avid runner whose fans RSVP and join him while he trains for long races, Vice makes continuous mixes that reflect his lifestyle and can be ideal exercise accompaniment: hip-hop, dance and pop music melded into a zooming combination. He created the one below for “my running following” to aid them in finishing the recent Las Vegas Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathon. He ran the race too, but as he does when he runs, listened only to his heartbeat.

Read the FULL interview : HERE